Eat After 8pm & Veggies That Kill Stomach Fat!


It’s almost summer, and I’ve been committing to some really exclusive health & fitness meals/articlesI wanted to share with everyone. Healthy snacks to eat after 8, shrinking stomach fat, women’s fitness myths, and more. They all come from my favorite fitness app called “Fitonomy“. Their app provides 3D interactive animation of full-body exercises to take you through the workout, and see how the exercise is supposed to be performed. You can download their app for free, but it costs monthly if you keep it after initial trial period (1 week). I always take screenshots of their healthy food content. And for the past 6 weeks I’ve been sticking to these snacks/vegetables to get my tummy bikini ready for summer.  I even save some amazing workout routines from them, and then try them while at the gym.  So here are some quick and worth-knowing highlights that I think can help you out as well.

Healthy Snacks You Can Eat After 8PM

Fitonomy - What to eat after 8pm

5 Veggies That Kill Stomach Fat

Who knew onions killed stomach fat!

Fitonomy - 5 Veggies that kill stomach fat

Top Muscle Building Foods

Fitonomy - Muscle Building Food

What To Eat Before/After Workout

Eating a healthy snack right before a workout always helps boost my energy, and of course what you eat afterwards is also super important. 

Fitonomy - Food to eat before/after workout

Biggest Women’s Fitness Myths – Fitonomy

“Lifting heavy will make you look like a man” is definitely my favorite myth about women because those of you who personally know me or see my pics know that I am far from looking like a man, and I have been gradually increasing my weights for years now. 

Fitonomy - Biggest Women's Fitness Myths

Hopefully you took away some good points from these articles. I can’t validate the science behind all of the food recommendations they list here, but I think it’s worth a read.  I definitely love their workout routines as they highlight the muscles being worked on with each exercise. Please comment below and let me know your thoughts 🙂


    • Must have been difficult letting go of the gym while pregnant. Although since you’re already used to working out than I am sure you know all the benefits of returning. Glad to know the food suggestions are validated by a former gym rat. 🙂

    • Thank you for reading! And Summer officially starts today I think. LOL. So some of these snacks/veggies should help you but I think it will be more helpful to consume these all year long.

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